On the bank of River Tisza

A few weeks ago I visited a local tavern in Tiszacsege. This place is famous for its traditional fish dishes, and it is located right on the bank of the River Tisza. I took the opportunity to explore the surrounding area.  This river is one of the untouched wonder of Hungary, I am always amazed how peaceful and natural  it is. Unfortunately there was a flood not long ago, so it wasn't possible to approach the river this time. But I spotted a pile of timber, which I found interesting. This is the shot I got.



Camera: Canon 5D
Lens: Pentacon 50mm MC f1.8
Processing: Large format (4x5) crop

Maybe not the most exciting lens, but I think the bokeh is pretty nice! However I am not satisfied with the sharpness. This time the aperture was set at F4. Central sharpness is acceptable, but the edges turned out to be really soft. I also applied large format crop, the image has better balance this way. There are a batch of images waiting for processing, stay tuned for more!


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